Pinkard Construction, a leading construction company in Colorado, is excited to announce the launch of Pinkard Frameworks, a wood framing division that will serve as a trade partner to developers and general contractors along the Colorado front range. Pinkard Frameworks will continue to self-perform wood framing for Pinkard Construction.
According to Tony Burke, President of Pinkard Construction, "We are thrilled to offer Pinkard Frameworks as a separate division to our clients, developer partners, and fellow general contractors. We believe providing a dedicated and specialized team for wood framing projects will streamline the construction process and ensure the highest quality of work."
The division is headed by Wood Framing Manager Dan Harris, who has over 40 years of experience in construction. Harris is actively recruiting staff and already has a dedicated project engineer and superintendent. Additionally, Pinkard Frameworks will have access to the resources of Pinkard Construction, which has over 120 construction professionals and over 60 years building multi-family projects, and over 50 wood-framed projects.
Pinkard Frameworks aims to modernize the wood framing industry by offering detailed project assessments, identifying value-adds, and ensuring on-site supervision of the wood framing process.
"We want to provide our clients with top-quality service that exceeds their expectations," says Harris. "We achieve this by collaborating with truss fabricators in preconstruction, ensuring framing designs that meet architectural and structural intent, seamless integration with other trades, and a budget-friendly, faster, and higher-quality project."
Pinkard Frameworks provides preliminary truss design, in-house estimating, and shop drawing reviews to prevent conflicts and cascading issues that stop construction progress for redesigns. The division will ensure that an on-site framing superintendent is briefed throughout the design process and is a trained, experienced carpenter who manages all material and labor to the contract intent.
Harris says Pinkard’s recent efforts on Krisana Affordable Housing created a framing design that saved the Owner over $250,000. He adds that Pinkard Frameworks is under contract to provide wood framing services for two other Pinkard projects, akin Tennyson in Denver and Willoughby Corner in Lafayette.
"We are excited about the launch of Pinkard Frameworks and look forward to working with our clients to provide them with the best possible service," concludes Burke.
For more information on Pinkard Frameworks, please visit www.pinkardframes.com.