Golden Public Works Facility
Golden, CO, USA
City of Golden
Seven structures on 29 acres
Public Projects, Industrial, Fleet/Maintenance, Ground Up
Pinkard Construction acted as CM/GC for the City of Golden's new Public Works Facility. Scope of work included construction of new facilities and site selection feasibility analyses. The new facilities include: Fleet Maintenance Facility (CMU, steel and veneer), Shops Facility (CMU, steel and veneer), Heated Vehicle Storage Facility (premanufactured steel), Bulk Storage and Mixing Facility (28' high concrete and engineered-wood), Covered Vehicle Storage (24' high engineered-wood), Vehicle Wash Building with precast roof panels and CMU walls, Outdoor Washbay canopy, and 20,000 gallon underground fuel tank.
Stormwater management was a major issue on the steeply sloped, 29.3 acre site adjacent to a major state highway. Constant site changes required corresponding modifications to our Best Management Practices, which included a series of silt fences, asphalt and dirt berms, rock check dams, inlet protection, street sweeping, erosion control blankets, native seeding, and silt removal. Pinkard's stormwater management had zero citations over the course of nearly 70 inspections in 13 months.