Pinkard enjoys an enthusiastic culture of safety, which is supported and encouraged by upper management but thrives at the grassroots level. Our crews enjoy safety bonuses and incentives and work together to ensure that everyone gets to go home at the end of each workday.
As a result of these and many other safety policies, Pinkard has gone from an average performer to a safety industry leader. For the past three years, we maintained a Loss Experience Modifier Rate of well under one, which is the best possible EMR score for a contractor of our size and payroll.
The COVID-19 pandemic has been no exception, we have worked proactively to ensure strict COVID protocols are in place. With so many as-yet unanswered questions about COVID-19, as well as the potential impacts on our projects, Pinkard has worked diligently to position ourselves as Colorado leaders in COVID-19 construction safety protocols – for both on-site and office behaviors.
Beginning with the formation of Pinkard’s Pandemic Response Team, Pinkard has remained on the cutting edge in the establishment of effective protocols for minimizing COVID-19 exposure during construction and preventing its spread.
To ensure each employee’s ability to conform to CDC recommendations, Pinkard supplies all employees with masks, hand sanitizer, and Pinkard-built handwashing stations.
COVID-19 comprehensive plan both for preventing infections in the first place and responding in the event one occurs will include (as needed):
Jobsite Entry Check-in include fever monitoring along with a QR code questionnaire;
By-Reservation-Only admittance to the Pinkard office (along with a QR code questionnaire);
On-Going Jobsite Enforcement to ensure compliance with wearing masks, distancing, and handwashing;
Enhanced Cleaning of portolets, offices, etc;
Sneeze Guards in common areas;
Logistics Planning that includes space analysis to ensure that meetings are held in spaces that allow for appropriate distancing;
Contact Tracing of employees who test positive for fever while on a Pinkard jobsite or office.