Pinkard Construction's community outreach program, The Pink Crew, organized several volunteers to help with the demolition of the existing deck, replacing it with an updated code-compliant deck, site clean-up, and other tasks to make staff housing safer and more enjoyable. Pinkard donated all labor and materials to complete the 650 Square foot elevated second-floor composite deck with two sets of egress stairs.

"There are generations of Jeffco students who look back on their Outdoor Lab adventure and say it was one of their best memories of elementary school," said Robb Gneiser, Principal for the Windy Peak Outdoor Lab School. "Pinkard's team is top-notch, and I am excited that this year’s staff will have a wonderful new place to relax and enjoy downtime at the Windy Peak school."
Gneiser says that the mission of the Outdoor Education Laboratory Program is to enhance and enrich student learning as an integral part of 6th-grade curricula by providing opportunities for hands-on, experiential, authentic learning in an outdoor setting, developing stewardship of self, community, and the environment. "This project was the epitome of stewardship of community! Great people work hard for others and feel good about a well-done job! Thank you, Pink Crew, the decks, represent your legacy of stewardship, and we are grateful."
"I remember my boys coming here and what a connection I felt with Outdoor Lab, JPS, and the Golden communities based on their experience," said Pinkard Warranty Superintendent Mike Levchik who captained the Pink Crew team for this project. "This was an incredible team-building exercise. Because of our team’s enthusiasm for JPS’s Outdoor Lab program and our excitement for the project, we completed the final two days of work in just one! We had office people with little framing experience jumping in and getting it done next to managers who worked their way through the trades and carpenters next to them. I’ll never forget it."
Levchik says, “community service is a big part of Pinkard's culture. It is common to see several Pinkard employees using their provided VTO (volunteer time off) working together on Habitat for Humanity builds, homeless youth outreach, helping the Action Center improve their campus, or outreach or paint-a-thons for seniors in our local community.”
"The Pink Crew is an important part of the Pinkard culture," said Kristen Rebmann, a Payroll/Staff accountant who helps organize these events and grabbed some power tools and worked on the deck all day Friday. "Being part of the Pink Crew not only helps build a strong community, but it also helps us create lasting bonds with each other, and it helps us grow as individuals. Pinkard was founded and only works in Colorado’s Front Range. This is our community. We want to give back to it."
Additional volunteers included Holt Fuller and architectural design support from HF Made. Organizations wishing to partner with the Pink Crew should reach out to Rebmann via Pinkard's website: Contact Pinkard Construction (